Author of Contemporary Inspirational Fiction, Freelance Writer, Poet
Sally Chambers
Sally Chambers



Part 1 

Writing a Powerful Devotional 

Sally Chambers


Devotionals come from the heart. They share, they are personal, and they

are short, usually about 250 words, though they can be longer. They center

on a single theme and a related Bible verse.  


To illustrate, devotionals are like two friends curled up in easy chairs, one

sharing what's in their heart and the other listening, learning, taking into

their own heart what is being shared.


There are a number of things to do before you begin to write your devotional. 




Immerse yourself in the Word of God. Read and study the Bible daily. When

what you are reading speaks to your heart, make note of the verse and what

the Lord is teaching you through it. Your devotional may be focused on a past

experience, but God will also give you fresh new experiences and thoughts to

use as you go through your day. Your devotional will often take shape around     

those thoughts and experiences.




Think deeply about how Jesus related to those around him who were hungry

for His words. Think about how He taught them through the simple things that

they saw and experienced every day. It didn’t matter how young or old they

were, His love for them showed in easily understood stories. Your devotional

will share the truths you have learned through how God is working in your life.  

Watch for all the Holy Spirit will reveal to you as you walk through your day.

Whether it be the revelation of God through the grandeur of a sunset through

storm clouds or the sweet smile of a child directed at you or the hands of your

mother rolling out pie dough or the aroma of night blooming jasmine awakening

you at two in the morning, listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying through these


Listen also for lessons the Holy Spirit will show you in a mother’s admonition to

her child, the frustration of a homeless man, the fear of a teen in trouble, or the

hurtful, thoughtless words of a co-worker. God is everywhere in all things and

you will learn from each experience He allows in your life. 


Before you begin to write--pray. Ask the Lord to show you what message He

wants you to share with those who will read your words. Open your Bible as

you pray, and ask for guidance for your message and theme and scripture.  

God has given you a personality and style no one else has. He will speak through

your devotional to the hearts of others who need to hear. Through your words,

He will help you reach out others to inspire them through the experiences He has     

given expressly to you.

No one in all the world has lived their life exactly like you have. You have a

precious and unique slant on life that you can share through a devotional.

Even though many others may have written on the same subject, like

snowflakes and fingerprints, we each have own individual way of seeing

and sharing that subject.





When you talk your friend in the other easy chair, you look at them with

love and compassion and as you share, you draw them in. There will always

be another of God’s children going through much the same challenges and

things that you are and who will readily relate to your words. What you share

will uplift and strengthen them as you reveal your own experience. As you

write, show what you felt and learned and how you grew through the

experience. Share what is in your heart as therein lies the power and the

beauty of your relationship with God, and with your devotional.  

                                                      * * * 


Devotional Part 2 --

A Check-List of 21 Keys to Writing a Powerful Devotional



Site content and writing © Copyright 2008 Sally Chambers. All rights reserved.